
Watch this short video below to get started! If you prefer, a written guide is below the video:

Step by step

This step-by-step guide assumes that you already have an Adobe account authenticated, if you are not logged in or don't have an Adobe account, follow the Adobe process to create/login to your account, or click here to learn how to create a new account.

You will also need to have Adobe XD installed, if Adobe XD is not installed, click here to download it.

Follow the steps below

  1. Go to the plugin's Adobe XD Marketplace link, click here
  2. After you finish downloading, click on the Install button.


  1. A popup will appear with some information about the plugin, be sure to read it and then press OK to continue.
  2. Wait for the installation to finish.
  3. When the installation finishes, you can open Adobe XD.
  4. Open your chosen design file, or start a new one!


  1. On the bottom left corner of Adobe XD, click on the Plugins icon.


  1. In this screen you will see all your installed plugins, look for the one named WordPress for Adobe XD, that's us! Click on it.


  1. You are now on the main plugin screen.


  1. Click on the Start now button.
  2. The first thing you need to configure in the plugin is your project's Main page/Home page. This is the page that will load as soon as you enter your new WordPress website. To select this page, highlight it in your design by clicking on it, or any other element that belongs to it, and then go to the plugin screen and click add Artboard(s) as Main Page.


  1. Confirm your selection by clicking Confirm.
  2. You are now on the Element Selection step, we will skip this step, for now, if you want to have an in-depth guide to this Step, follow this link. You can click on the Continue button at the bottom of the plugin.
  3. You will be prompted with a warning regarding the lack of selection in this step, don't worry! For this quickstart, we just want to get a WordPress quickly, but we highly recommend taking your time to read through our detailed guide, the more detailed this Step is, the better your website will be!


  1. Nice! You are now on the Last Step! Here you can review all of your previous selections. We are happy with what we did, so we are going to click Continue again.


  1. In this next screen, enter your email and click on Create your website.


  1. Now you just need to wait for the Building process to complete!


  1. Once it's completed, you will be able to Preview your website by clicking on the Preview button!


  1. Enjoy your website! If you want to go to the WordPress dashboard, just click the button in the top right corner, or if you want to publish it, just click on the Publish button and follow the steps there!


We hope you like what you see, be sure to explore the docs to know what else you can do with your plugin!

Click here to download the Adobe XD Plugin